Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu and the State of the Union...

O.K. Here goes...Swine Flu, that's all we hear about this will consume our weekend...the we have never had the flu before...and now it is a pandemic, sweeping the globe...the flu from pigs, and our president spoke out on this. Forgive me if I sound insinsitive, especially if you have died from the FLU...(you should have stayed in bed)

..but aren't there other real concerns facing our country that our President could focus on...Like 1 in evry 4 teenagers has an std, but that's not an epidemic nor is it pandemic, cuz we have comercials that tell us how to live with Flaming Herpes of the Nether Regions...

Girl - I have an STD called Yucky Drippy Ooze and i take Graxzmator (side effects include nasal ooze, excessive sweating of the feet, and toe nail growth that would make a Hindu cry with shame)
Boy - And I am ok with that...

WHAT?! No You are not ok with that, you are running for the hills looking for a blood transfusion with bleach...and yet we give our kids condoms and tell them "This will prevent the spread of STDs..." Oh really Dr. Frankenstein, how bout u using it with your wife if she gets AIDS...oh that's right, it doesn't work that well does it...But our epidemic is the flu, not AIDS which is killing millions of Africans daily, or STD'S which lead to death and are passed on to children...

there is a great start in life for little Johnny - kindergarten your nickname is "flaming torch of death"

...yet we are worried about the flu, and not the moral decline of our country, which is of course as our President said is "..not a Christian country"...and unfortunately I have to agree, because there is no moral outrage anymore, because we are as a church tired of fighting a losing battle, and tired of looking like stooges in the media...We don't wage war as the world does, we should be fighting differently - like maybe with a flu shot (unheard of before like 1980, we weren't allowed to get the flu in our house unless it was Christmas vacation, it was my mom's rule) - like maybe we should be telling our kids that certain things aren't just wrong - They are SIN...don't be afraid to say it, don't be afraid to tell Larry King about it, don't be afraid to let our President know that there are more pressing matters at the moral decline of a nation that doesn't see 1 in 4 teenagers having an std as a problem, but the swine flu that takes up our time...

don't even know if this blog makes sense, but seriously, shouldn't we be concerned about the next generation, my children's generation, or will we let them continue to delve into chaos at breakneck speed...Holla

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU!!!!! Now get on twitter so we can retweet this~!!!!!
